Expansion Manager (2 people), Fitness24Seven Oy



Haku päättyy 22.9.2024

We are looking for two Expansion Managers with background in the real estate and property business to join our client Fitness24Seven Oy to join their growth in Finland! If you have have experience in negotiation situations on property leasing, and know the real estate and property business in Finland, you could be the person we are looking for! Read more about the position below and send us your application with your personal motivation letter as soon as possible, as we proceed in the process immediately with potential candidates.

In this role, you will be responsible for hunting, negotiating, and securing sites with the best premises for Fitness24Seven’s various gym concepts. In addition to finding new premises, you are also responsible for renegotiating existing leases. The base office is in Helsinki, but as Expansion Manager you are expected to be in continuous contact with/and visit property owners throughout Finland.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Acquiring and negotiating for new premises by yourself
  • Overseeing and renegotiating leases for existing premises

Expectations and requirements:

  • Prior experience from working and negotiating with expansion and sales processes within the real estate business
  • Knowledge from the property industry and preferably understanding of chain operations
  • Good command of Microsoft Excel, and you are used to working with numbers
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills in demanding situations, both in Finnish and English

Relevant educational background (MBA/Engineering degree) is considered as an advantage for succeeding in this role.

As a person, you are:

  • Comfortable with even the trickiest negotiation situations – you are solutions-oriented and have good eye for details
  • Entrepreneurial and self-motivated in your way of working
  • Outgoing – you are comfortable with creating new contacts and maintaining meaningful business relationships

More information:

  • Start: As soon as possible
  • Location: Helsinki, and you will actively be traveling to prospective new locations in Finland
  • Salary: The salary for this position will be discussed in greater detail personally with the candidates who proceed to personal discussions in the recruitment process.

Our client company, Fitness24Seven is Scandinavia’s fastest growing fitness chain! They target those who want to work out at any time of day without having to spend a fortune. Their belief is that the best workout is the one that actually happens – that’s why they offer high-quality training around the clock, seven days a week and close to you. All employees can train for free at any of the gyms in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Colombia and Thailand. Fitness24Seven is a true stepping stone for a real estate professional who wants to develop skills in a fast-growing business and deal with different kind of landlords and sites. With them, you will improve your professional skills and create good relationships within Finnish real estate sector.

Interested in the role? This is a recruitment assignment, so at the request of our client we take into consideration only applications that are sent via the WorkPower website. It’s easy to apply – just leave us your contact details, salary requirements and CV with a free-form motivation letter for the role. The application process is ongoing will close as soon as we find the right person and we interview potential candidates already during the application period, so act fast!

For more information on the recruitment process, please contact Tiia Haimakainen, HR Consultant, by email at tiia.haimakainen@workpower.fi.

Ilmoitusnumero: 114446448

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